유망직종·유학생 현황

Fastest Growing Occupations (미국내 급성장 유망직종)

  • 작성일2016.10.31
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아래 표는 미 노동부에서(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) 발표한 향후 10년간 (2014-2024) 미국내에서 급성장할 것으로 전망된 직종입니다.

※ 화면을 터치한 상태에서 왼쪽으로 드래그 하면 전체 표를 확인할 수 있습니다.

순위 직업 국문명칭 성장률 평균연봉 (2015) 전공 필수학위
1 Wind turbine service technicians 풍력발전기 설계기술자 108% $51,050 N/A N/A
2 Occupational therapy assistants 작업치료 보조사 43% $57,870 Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Associate's
3 Physical therapist assistants 물리치료 보조사 41% $55,170 Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Associate's
4 Commercial divers 산업잠수사 37% $50,470 N/A N/A
5 Nurse practitioners 전문간호사 35% $98,190 Nursing Practice Master's / Doctor's
6 Physical therapists 물리치료사 34% $84,020 Physical Therapy Master's / Doctor's
7 Statisticians 통계학자 34% $80,110 Statistics, Applied Mathematics Bachelor's / Master's
8 Physician assistants 준의사 30% $98,180 Physician Assistant (PA) Master's / Doctor's
9 Operations research analysts 오퍼레이션 리서치 분석가 30% $78,630 Management Science, Operations Research Bachelor's / Master's
10 Personal financial advisors 재무설계사 30% $89,160 Finance, Financial Planning and Services Bachelor's / Master's
11 Cartographers / Photogrammetrists 지도 제작가 / 사진 측량가 29% $61,880 Cartography, Surveying Technology Bachelor's
12 Genetic counselors 유전학 카운슬러 29% $72,090 Genetic Counseling, Biology, Psychology Master's
13 Audiologists 언어청각사 29% $74,890 Audiology, Communication Sciences and Disorders Doctor's
14 Hearing aid specialists 보청기 전문가 27% $49,600 Hearing Instrument Specialist Associate's / Bachelor's
15 Optometrists 검안사 27% $103,900 Optometry Doctor's